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Knowing and understanding European philanthropy: Towards comparable data? -Lunch & Learn|ESSEC Chair
How Foundations and Philanthropy in Europe are Regulated | Launch of Comparative Highlights #
The Philanthropy Environment in Europe
InnovationTalk#17: Is big bet philanthropy capable of scaling food systems transformation?
European philanthropy and the UK referendum
International Perspectives on Trends in Philanthropy
Philanthropy House, the home for European philanthropy
Spring 2012 Webinar - Storytelling with Data: Visualising Philanthropy
Building Bridges: Philanthropy and it's engagement with Democracy, Social and Environnmental Justice
Philanthropy and Technology | EA Global: San Francisco 2016
Remake the Model: Cultural Philanthropy in 2024:What You Need To Know
The Role of Data Philanthropy in Urban Analytics - SDSC 2018